Thursday, June 5, 2008

Gone Baby Gone

A little message to a Democratic Party who managed to turn their collective backs on its most dynamic and capable candidate in years, in favor of an amoral thug with racist friends and a resume the size of a postage stamp. Way to go, geniuses.


foxtown said...

Ha! That's a perfect song and video to the DNC.

That should be on the hireheels website. Especially because both the site and the video involve references to shoes..

I'd love to see it there.

(Keep up the great work here. I am bouncing around as many of the "Just Say No Deal" sites that I can.)


Rasin' Hill all over America said...

I love the video! Perfect. Too bad we can't edit it with a HUGE NO DNC logo. Thanks for sharing.

PrettySure said...

Perfect song to represent our cause!

We should send it in mass to all the superdelegates that screwed Hillary and to all the RBC members including HOward the Duck Dean, Nancy P. and the rest of the crook shanks in the Democratic Party.

Hillary or the Highway!!