Friday, June 13, 2008

Oh, Please. Obama Doesn't Actually Need A Birth Certificate

All the buzz about wanting to see Obama's birth certificate has been amusing. First of all, it is a moot point, as He wasn't actually born like you and me. He was created, alright, but more in the way one would make Marshmallow Peeps or buttercream frosting. Come on, people...after all, nobody asked Jesus for HIS birth certificate. Obama doesn't need many things that normal politicians must have. Things like pastors who are sane, the ability to speak in full sentences not replete with "uhs" that drag out for ten minutes - while He collects his thoughts without a teleprompter, or a closet with less skeletons than Père-Lachaise. Besides, even better than a silly birth certificate, I came across a genuine photo of Obama's birth in 1961 which should put all speculation to rest.


Prettysure said...

tee hee heee...

Anonymous said...

Dawn this is one of the funniest blogs around, I just died laughing at the Jesus pix! (and then I was resurrected...)

That and the GD america day pix!

so funny! & so needed at 1:52 am...

Hope you continue to about a video??

Unknown said...

Another good one, Dawn! Funny! And BTW I love marshmellow peeps (a lot more than I love Barack Obama ... which is like negative 37 at this point).